"At the end of my life when I'm looking back - what do I want to be able to say about myself and my life?"


"At the end of my life when I'm looking back - what do I want to be able to say about myself and my life?"

Here's what MOST matters to me...

At my last heartbeat and breath on this planet, looking back I want to say:

*that I honored my soul

*that I lived with devotion to the loving source that gives life to me (Oneness, Source, Creator, the Universe, God... by each and all these names I honor it).

*that I DID NOT live to the agenda or direction of anyone else or anything else

*that I followed the divine guidance that was laid on my unfolding path for me

*that I stood up as my fully expressed soul Self

*that I adored and shared the magic and the mystery of life with others

*that I cherished every moment and every breath of this epic ride called life

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