"If what you think about is what creates your reality, and what you think about is what's missing in your life, then you will have to attract more of what's missing into your life." - Dr Wayne Dyer
That's a painful realization to awaken to.

I remember feeling the STING of this truth when I first learned about how we create our reality.
It's a wake up call about what we do CONTROL and what we have responsibility for.
Today I want to share with you 4 things that you have control over, which you categorically DO have the power to change if you wish, and which directly influence your life outcomes...
1. What you believe.
2. What you think and how you respond to your thoughts.
3. How you feel and how you process your feelings.
4. What you choose and the actions you take.
Throughout March, we've been focusing on GRATITUDE.
Gratitude is one quick and easy ritual that shifts your inner state, helping you to focus on everything you DO have with positive intention and emotion. And that gratitude is telling life what you want MORE of.
That's particularly helpful if you've previously been prone to focusing on what you DON'T have and limitations.
You absolutely CAN interrupt old patterns and start to ELEVATE yourself here and now.